Many bands and labels in the northwest music scene (notably Sub Pop Records) sought to create a visual identity. Through the principles listed here, Northwest Passage aims to do the same.
Northwest Passage (named in honor of an old exhibit at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle) should always be capitalized. When by itself, it should be styled with a full stop after the name. (Northwest Passage.) Do not shorten to “NWP” or “NP”.
In homage to old fanzine culture, Northwest Passage's main colors are black, gray, and white, with maroon and blue as accent colors to be used sparingly.
black #000000 |
gray #4f5557 |
maroon #991C30 |
blue #326891 |
Northwest Passage uses three typefaces: Libre Baskerville, News Cycle and Georgia.
Libre Baskerville is used for: Headlines, drop caps, links, pull quotes
News Cycle is used for: Homepage, footer, side content, headings, deks, pull quote citations, image captions
Georgia is used for: main body text